Creating Cinemagraphs

Hey Pat, I did a quick forum search on the keyword “cinemagraph” and apparently this is the only thread that has it mentioned. I’m curious if the folks here have had any experience creating cinemagraphs // or gifs :upside_down_face: // using any of the free tools showcased in

Hi @mgco! I moved this post to it’s own topic instead of leaving it in the other one so that it might get better exposure here.

I’ve personally done some cinemagraphs on my own, but now that you bring it up I don’t think I’ve ever written about it (strange - I feel like if my dog farts I’m ready to write a blog post about it and bug everyone to read it). Of course, now that I’m actually looking for where I might have posted one, I can’t seem to find it. :frowning:

[edit] - I actually did finally find one, from The Thing:

It’s a bit subtle, but I think I was going for subdued to match the slow, burning paranoia of the film (which if you haven’t seen, means this image is boring and falls flat).

The Thing -

I feel like I probably used Blender to make this. I’ll dig around and see if I can find the .blend file.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Future-proof >8-bit lossy high quality compression format for archival purposes