Green yellowish cast

I do share the opinion of s7habo about the lack of focus. I also tried to put emphasis on the river.
_6I_8176.CR3.xmp (28.0 KB)


A last one from me (finally satisfied):

_6I_8176.CR3.xmp (21,6 KB)


I like your final render, @Popanz; a bit whimsical, a bit foreboding…

I set out to understand the green cast, developed the capture in rawproc to a linear RGB, no tone curve, and thought, hmmm, not bad, so I applied the default filmic curve and whoa-boy, there’s the green. So, I added a whitebalance tool but instead of dialing around the R and B channels like you’re supposed to, I just dialed down the G multiplier to 0.8, and the image became more “neutral”. Switched from filmic to a two-part loggamma followed by a control point curve to better shape the highlights, and got this:

Not at all whimisical or foreboding, but I think a better render of the image as you probably saw the scene…


Thanks all. Love your edits and learning a lot from each one. Unfortunately yday was my first day on pixls and they didn’t allow me to post reply more than certain times hence the delay in response. I will continue posting new pictures to see how you would edit them. But once again thanks for all the edits.


Playing with light & shadow! Amazing render.

Well, it was not supposed to have specific point of focus however looking at your edit I believe having particular element is focus especially rock in the middle could have been much better. Partly the reason is my new RF 50mm 1.8 STM doesnt seem to focus well either compared to my EF 50mm 1.8.

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Here is my take. I reframed a bit to find some line or path or point of focus, then have a stronger contrat with a slight yellowish sun light.

_6I_8176_01.CR3.xmp (11.6 KB)


@sherebiahtishbi , welcome to the forum. Thanks for the play. Actually, I don’t have much to add to the many beautiful edits here. But it’s your first post here on the forum, so I’ll do my best. Edit with ART, GIMP and G’MIC:


Welcome to the forum @sherebiahtishbi ! This is my play:

_6I_8176.CR3.xmp (13.1 KB)

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I focused mainly on removing the green cast, but did not do much else with the image. RawTherapee Dev, used white balance and RGB curves.

_6I_8176.jpg.out.pp3 (15.1 KB)


Uploading: _6I_8176.jpg…

I like this version. It also works (for me) with a slightly less darkening of the trees. This focusing is really serving the image.

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_6I_8176.CR3.xmp (43.8 KB)

I tried to bring out the nice green colors in the summer light and used a tip from Boris Hajdukovic on youtube on adding some blue to the shadows of the green to make it pop.
Green yellowish cast.CR3.xmp (27.3 KB)

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My take there! I’ve tried it more neutral with a crop. Also the first time I play this!
I’ve appreciated all of the inputs so far :slight_smile:
Some reminds me of the hi-key / pop advanced mode of my Fuji.

Edit: This was done in Dartkable, mostly with the tone equalizer and color balance RGB, added sidecar.
_6I_8176.CR3.xmp (13.9 KB)

Edit2: resized image


@Iksou nice edit and welcome to the forum. Although it is not required, it is customary to share which software you used and the sidecar file associated with your edit. This allows us to all learn from each other.

It is also customary to share reduced size images unless there is a specific reason otherwise (i.e. to show the effects of sharpening or noise reduction, but even then a crop would likely be sufficient)

Ty, yes I’ll take care of reducing the images, I just don’t have the right technique for now.

What software did you use?

Sorry, I’ve replied in the edit. So I mostly try to use darktable like for this one, sometimes I play a bit with RT.

In RawTherapee you set the ‘Resize’ before exporting. Like many things in RawTherapee, default values work fine but there are many options.