New design of the sliders

Thank you very much for this very good software. I like the new design, the blue line to the pointer of the slider is nice to see. But when the slider has its zero-point in the center for negative an positive values (correction of the perspektive), the blue line from the left to the middle of the sliders makes absolut no sense …

Unfortunately, on Windows 10 (RT 4.2.905 for Windows Vista/7/8/10 64-bit - fast) the new widgets do not seem to be an improvement to me.

Unfortunately the widgets themselves seem larger and more dominant, while the values and labels are smaller and less apparent.

Your example is a good one, on the Exposure tab the blue lines are the eye-catching element which overwhelm the setting labels and setting values. It’s the setting values that I want to be able to see most easily.

(Also the histogram and tone curve smear – the old curves are not cleared when the new curves are rendered.)

Please is there a Windows Vista/7/8/10 64-bit - fast build available from before these changes landed ?

Please provide a screenshot. Which theme are you useing?

@igouy sounds like you’re not using any theme at all. Go to Preferences, and re-select the RawTherapee or TooWaBlue theme, then restart RT.

Re-selecting the selected RawTherapee theme and re-starting has fixed the charts.

The eye-catching blue line is still a distraction.
The “Reset to default” button is too small / hard to find, relative to -+

The blue “Ready” bar is just another distraction, the 0% bar is just another distraction – my normal expectation is programs are ready and available for use.

And despite my failure to find several newer features useful – Thank you! – because much of what RT provides is good enough for my needs, so I still haven’t bothered installing Nik Collection.

The TooWaBlue theme can be easily modified to match your prefered eye-catching color.
Open TooWaBlue.css in any text editor. At the top you’ll find the following text.

/*** Change me *** rgb(red,green,blue) *** allowed values from 0 to 255 for each color ***/

@define-color accent-color rgb(35,99,166);      /*** Highlight/selected color for List, Dropdown menu, Borders ... ***/
@define-color text-hl-color rgb(210,210,210);   /*** Highlight/selected text color ***/

@define-color accent-color2 rgb(35,99,166);     /*** Slider, Progressbar, Scrollbar, Tab indicator ***/

@define-color accent-color3 rgb(35,99,166);     /*** Selected thumbnail background color ***/
@define-color text-hl-color3 rgb(210,210,210);  /*** Selected thumbnail text color ***/

/*** Change me end *********************************************************************************/

Simply change the numbers to the numbers of your favorite color. Save it → finished.

I’ve done this for you: :slight_smile:
To use the new theme, you have to update your current version of RT to version 4.2.927

Here is a modified version of the TooWaBlue theme in grey.

Download and copy it into the theme folder.
Start RT and open Preferences.
Select TooWaGrey and restart RT.

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Unfortunately I cannot use the TooWa themes on my 1366x768 laptop. The filmstrip slider when in editor mode disappears behind the right panel before you get to the end of the photos. And the preferences window is too big. I have to auto-hide the taskbar so I can get to the ok-cancel buttons (win7). I do not have these issues with the RT theme.

Hi TooWaBoo, thank you for your reply. The color of the theme was ok, the color ist not the point. The blue bar may not begin at the left of the slider when the slider has not values from e.g. 0 to 200. If the slider has values from -100 to +100, the center is in the middle and the blue bar has to begin in the middle.

It seems to be more work to change this.Please don’t get this reply as a criticism, I have a great respect for people, who spend much time for the development of open source software.

I think the point of having one color on one side and gray on the other side is to simply provide a clearer indicator of where the grab target is. It’s not to indicate where zero is, though I can see that being useful.

It used to be gray-on-gray and you’d have to look more carefully to find the slider handle.

This can’t be done by the theme itself, but I agree that it would make more sense, when the blue background starts at zero.

If you don’t like the slider background color starting from the left when 0 lies in the center, open a feature request over at the GTK+ bugzilla for the slider widget to have that option. It’s not a RawTherapee thing but a GTK+ thing.

Did anyone actually report that as a problem? It was not a problem I experienced.

There are things that could be done to “improve” usability, but I don’t think they have much to do with styles and colors.

There are at-least 3 ways to interact with these sliders but none of them actually help me work on photos, they don’t give me informed control over the values that are manipulated.

When I’m using the exposure slider, I set whole numbers and thirds: -2EV -1.67EV -1.34EV … +0.34EV +0.67EV :so it would help me if the + and - buttons had that granular increment instead of just being yet another way to do what the slider and input field already do.
The slider is OK to quickly throw the values through an extreme range just to see what happens, but using the + - buttons seems slower than just typing a value into the input field.

For the Blacks slider, I’m likely to care about the units and tens somewhat when I set 20 but not when I set 7500. It would help me if at-least one of the ways to manipulate the values provided that more informed level of control. etc

I probably use the “Reset to default” button most, because it provides a shortcut that eliminates the need to fiddle around with the other controls – but now it’s smaller and harder to find.
I don’t know what motivated that change.

It’s easy to change the step. I too am in favor of large steps, as too fine steps make using the +/- buttons pointless. Then again, dragging the slider’s knob is all you need. Rounding numbers off is pedantic and serves no purpose.

Bugs and feature requests should be reported at RawTherapee’s GitHub page:

Issues aren’t tracked here, so we can discuss things here but once a consensus is reached an issue should be opened at GitHub.

-/+ changes the value by steps of 0.05. This resolution is perfect for me to set the desired value.

Holding down the mouse button on the slider knob for 1-2 sec. activates the fine tuning so the slider can also be used to set exact values.

Holding down the mouse button on -/+ will increase/decrease the value very fast.

Tryout the TooWaBlue theme. The reset button is bigger as in the default theme.

On the contrary, rounding off pedantic precision shows us what we need to see without distraction.

I’m currently trying to find a simple path through the maze of color toning options. Having node values appear as 32.879 really isn’t making it easy to see that the value is 33.

Rounding off pedantic precision to mean closest to 33 not 33.000.

I don’t remember what I meant when I wrote that 1.667 years ago, nor 2 years ago if we round it off, it probably relies on context. Anyway “33” is better than “32.879” unless there is a visual difference between 32.879 and 33.

Yes, so how do I get RT to do “33” rather than “32.879” ?

Is there a preference setting somewhere that I’ve missed ?