Struggling to white balance an image (Darktable)

Sounds like you have completely misunderstood something and is mixing up two different things.

The photo of a D65 calibrated monitor is used to get custom coefficients for the white balance module. Once that is done, you use color calibration as normal. At no point does delta E enter into it. It’s also explained in the manual.

If you have a color patch target, you can then do lighting/scene specific color calibration, which is when you have to worry about delta E. Note that a simple grey card won’t do for this - you need one of the supported color targets.


No, dont think I have misunderstood. I followed the instructions in Aurilliene Peirre video which entails taking a photo of a D65 colour calibrated display, using it to set the white balance, creating a preset that can be auto applied then using a colour checker to calibrate within the colour calibration module.

And I always get a large delta E, it doesn’t work for me.