Wayland color management

The Plasma 6.2 beta notes has two color management bullets:

  • Turned on support for KWin’s implementation of the Wayland color management protocol Feature Discuss
  • Option to use color profile data built into your monitor, if it has one

Can you explain how/if the first one relates to the discussion in this thread @Zamundaaa?

Not directly related but quite adjacent. It seems like Valve has become tired of waiting for protocols to be merged so they can implement them in gamescope. I wonder if this will set the wheels rolling a bit faster when it comes to protocol discussions.

It’s quite absurd how for example, a window icon protocol has been in the works for 9 months! Seems like the developers are aiming for perfection instead of near perfection, but this slows down things too much.

One wonders if we will reach a time where when a protocol is finished it won’t even be worth implementing since everyone else has moved on to something else(their own implementation, creating fragmentation). This is not a case of lack of contributors, I don’t want people to think I’m an ingrate. I’m thankful for all the work done but it’s simply the culture of the project.

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