3.0.2 I have no Module categories and cant open any

On the right between the histogram and modules, I have no categories ie Favourites, Colours, etc. Instead, it is a search module bar. There are 4 modules open if I click on more modules down the bottom and select any they just get a star next to them I can’t open any. I can’t do any editing other than the 4 that are open. What has happened, am I missing something? I have reinstalled it with no change.
Windows 10
Desktop PC
Darktable was downloaded from darktable.org
darktable 1 darktable 2

I don’t have the answer to your problem, but I’m sure that someone who knows more is going to ask you what operating system you are using and where you downloaded 3.0.2 from.

Thank you Ill add that

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See the preferences “show search module text entry” in GUI Options. Set it to “both”

It is set to both. I have also tried the other 2 options but nothing changes. I have closed and reopened same nothing changes.

Oh for fff sake. I just reinstalled it for atleast the 5th time today and it is back. Argh I still have zero clue what has happened. I have done nothing different. soooo frustrating.

Probably something in the config file.

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I had GUI problems some weeks ago after installing a new version from master. Found out it was a CSS issue. Maybe you can try to switch your theme.

I think switching the theme is what started it but it wouldn’t undo it. Odd. Dont know how it was fixed in the end

Happened to me as well had to delete the darktable folder in temp folder.
Just uninstalling would not help as it doesn’t delete the temp folder.

Ah ok. I kept running Ccleaner which was picking up darktable files. I think the last attempt must of got whatever was causing it, which may have been the temp folder. Was a frustrating 6 hours! Glad Im not the only one haha