Argyll-CMS and DCamprof questions

I’m trying to learn the ins and outs of crafting camera profiles using Argyll-CMS and DCamProf and thought maybe someone here could help with a few questions:

  1. Using either tool, how can I use a camera’s SSF data to render an RGB image file whose patch values simulate the camera’s native color response? Is it possible to render a fake raw/dng file containing that simulated camera response?

  2. How can I create an ICC profile that causes would allow me to mimic the native RGB response of one camera with another? EG, say I want to simulate an Arri Alexa’s native, raw color response with my A7RII rather than conforming them both to the standard observer color response. Is that what a “device link profile” does? Combine two profiles? Camera A —> XYZ —> Camera B? Or would it just be a matter of making an icc profile for each and converting between them using absolute colorimetric intent?