ART feature requests and discussion

i like the name “ART” because I can name my Fork of ART “FART”.


This new feature looks amazing!
I am glad the brush strokes are not in red otherwise the video with the toy would look even more like a 1970s horror film…

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The combination of Art Rawtherapee is indeed unique. But ‘ART’ separately as used here (“ART 1.0 is out”) gives search results drowned out by desktop backgrounds, museums, photographs for sale, and so on. And the Ubuntu Software tool gives about 100 hits for “art”: various paint and drawing programs, Blender, Darktable, even games.

Good one.

Drawn Mask : looks good Alberto !

Thanks for your feedback! But the name will stay, it’s simple, concise, and makes for a nice pun :slight_smile:
If people are concerned about ART’s friendliness towards search engines (I’m not, fwiw), the best thing to do is spread the news. After all, also “word” is a very generic term, but try to google it and see what’s the first hit (I’m kidding of course :wink: )


This is definitely one of those things that can confuse new users to RawTherapee and ART, especially coming from popular commercial software. At first, you might think that setting a curve to “Linear” would actually do something, like change the mode it works in. But then you realize that it is equivalent to “off” in other programs, and then you get used to it, and finally you realize that it’s actually logical and more accurate than simply “off”. I think you’d have a hard time to convince regular users to change this behaviour.

Similarly, the issue of enabling modules when you start to make changes has already been addressed with RT. It’s probably one of those sources of frustration for newcomers because let’s face it, we’ve all been there when we make a bunch of changes and wonder why you can’t see anything changing. And then you realize you never turned the module on! But users pushed back against it for the reasons that @sguyader mentioned. It’s what new users often call “unintuitive”, but regular users like the control it gives them.

Generally, I do think that both ART and RT suffer a little from needing more clicks than is strictly necessary (as I’ve already raised with the amount of reset buttons). But there’s often resistance to changing this as users don’t want the software dumbed down in any way and to lose some of the granular control over the software. Personally, I feel that ART can get away with making these kinds of changes more so than RT because part of its mission is to be more streamlined.



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Alberto, you’re really incredible. I can’t wait for this to appear in the master branch! Bravo. :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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We have to be careful here, as the word ‘linear’ has developed a couple of distinctly different connotations. “Linear” also refers to the energy relationship of the raw values, as they come from the camera; as opposed to “Non-Linear”, which refers to their transform to some other relationship, such as gamma, filmic, reinard, etc.

In math, an ‘identity’ is an operand that, when used in a particular operation, yields the same value as the other operand, e.g. 3 x 1 = 1, so 1 is an identity in multiplication. Our UI curves have such an identity, a straight line from bottom-left to top-right, which expresses a function that returns the same value for Y as the X input.

Yes, that’s a good point, and perhaps an argument to change the graph labels as @Sympa requested?
When x=y, these graphs are linear (essentially doing nothing prior to the user making changes), but this could be confusing with other “linear” concepts, of which I’m merely aware of without really understanding them in depth!

On the other hand, even if “linear” may confuse some, the icon is pretty clear in my opinion and should alleviate any doubts.

I just tested the brush tool with the adjustment sliders and I must say that it works really well! It would remain to display the mask in real time while we draw but it’s already absolutely great. With the combination of parametric masks the results are incredible. Thank you again for this fantastic work! :+1:

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Hi again,
I’ve worked a bit more on the drawn mask (which I’ve renamed to “Brush mask” in the GUI), I think now it’s ready for some testing/feedback. People who are interested will find it in the drawn-masks branch.

Besides fixing a couple of bugs and speeding up the code a little bit, I’ve also added one more mode of operation. Together with the “normal” mode, that is to intersect the brush mask with the other masks, there is now also an “add/overlay” mode, which lets you use the brush mask to retouch the other masks, essentially a poor man’s version of what you might do using brushes in a pixel editor.

Here’s a quick demo, I hope it will clarify what I mean:


Does this mean there is a development build with the brushes already to try (even if still work to do)?

Thinking about this, I think @ggbutcher is right. Linear is misleading here. I agree that “Off” might be better.

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Yes @agriggio Alberto’s work is already great! The tools are really great and already very effective!

it’s compiled and tested… it’s really incredible of finesse and suppleness… it’s a MAJOR evolution of Art I think!! :+1:

let’s go for the tests … I’m excited like a cocaine addict chiwawa :rofl:

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Great here’s to a session of uncontrolled yapping and white powder…

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yes on the branch drawn-masks