Bug in gmic_filmclut.gmz loading?

I might have spotted some bug in the loading of the gmic_film_clut.gmz file.
Using G’MIC 1.7.8 inside PhotoFlow, I get the following error under Windows:

[gmic]-1./gimp_emulate_film_colorslide/_gimp_emulate_film/*if/input_clut/*local/*if/ Round values of image [0] by 1 and nearest rounding.
[gmic]-1./gimp_emulate_film_colorslide/_gimp_emulate_film/*if/input_clut/*local/*if/ Output image [0] as cimgz file 'C:\users\photoflow\Application Data\gmic\clut_fuji_velvia_50.cimgz', with pixel type 'uchar'.
[gmic]-1./gimp_emulate_film_colorslide/_gimp_emulate_film/*if/input_clut/*local/*if/ ESC[0;31;59mESC[1m*** Error *** Command '-o': gmic::fopen(): Failed to open file 'C:\users\photoflow\Application Data\gmic\clut_fuji_velvia_50.cimgz' with mode 'wb'.ESC[0;0;0m[gmic]-1./ Start G'MIC interpreter.[gmic]-1./ Start G'MIC interpreter.
[gmic]-1./ Decrement verbosity level (set to 21).

However, if I manually create the C:\users\photoflow\Application Data\gmic\ folder then the Velvia 50 CLUT is generated correctly:

[gmic]-1./gimp_emulate_film_colorslide/_gimp_emulate_film/*if/input_clut/*local/*if/ Round values of image [0] by 1 and nearest rounding.
[gmic]-1./gimp_emulate_film_colorslide/_gimp_emulate_film/*if/input_clut/*local/*if/ Output image [0] as cimgz file 'C:\users\photoflow\Application Data\gmic\clut_fuji_velvia_50.cimgz', with pixel type 'uchar'.
[gmic]-1./gimp_emulate_film_colorslide/_gimp_emulate_film/*if/input_clut/*local/*if/ End 'if...endif' block.

The same happens under OSX with the ~/.config/gmic/ folder, than needs to be created by hand…

Was this observed by others as well? Is there some G’MIC initialization that needs to be run in order to create those local configuration folders?


Hi Andrea,

Yes, there is an initialization procedure that should be called at least once before trying to run G’MIC.

static bool init_rc(const char *const custom_path=0);

is intended to do the job of creating the gmic resource folder, optionally setting a different path if necessary.

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Thanks David! I will add this call during Photoflow initialization…