Change delay in "Action PopUp" in gnome Files

Hi all:

I’m not sure how I ended up here, but I was trying to see if there was a forum for discussing how to remove the 10 minute delay for the file action pop-up that appears in gnome Files, every time you perform a file action. So, I:
a) followed the “About Files” link in the gnome Files app
b) Followed the “Website” link in the “About”
c) Followed the " [Developer Resources]" link at that page
d) Followed the “Most contributors hang out at #nautilus on irc,gnome,org”
e) Followed irc,gnome,org, which offered a link to www,gimp,org/
f) Followed the Discuss link at the bottom, which led me to www,gimp,org/discuss.html
g) Followed the Forum link [www,gimp,org/discuss.html#forum]
h) This led to me a hyperlink for “”
i) Now,I’m here, trying to figure out what gimp has to do with the gnome “Files” app?

Am I on the wrong side of the tracks or do the gnome “Files” devs also dev the gimp app and this is where folks go to discuss it? Flame on…

Thanks in advance,

Hey Rich,

I don’t think gimp devs have anything to do with gnome files. You probably want to open a bug on gnome files with your distribution, and if that fails, then with the gnome gitlab instance.

Thanks, very much. I suspected as much. I don’t believe it is a bug, per se - more of an annoyance and was hoping that there may be a window manager / application .config file that can be edited to remove that delay. I’ll proceed with the bug report and hope for the best. Thanks again.