Clipping indicators for different color depth?

The clipping indicators for shadows and highlights have something called a threshold. In my case, default I believe, it is 8 for shadows and 253 for highlights. In 8 bit color space I take that to mean that values less than 8 or greater than 253 will indicate clipping (Note: according to Rawpedia shadows and highlights are treated differently with respect to how many channels have such values) . However, when editing raw files the color depth is supposed to be greater than 8 bits. How much greater varies, I think, depending on the camera. Also, image files can be created in standard formats with 16 bits of color depth. This suggests to me that the thresholds cannot be absolute.

Might it be that these should be interpreted as the values equivalent to 8 and 253 when the color depth is different than 8 bits?

Let’s clarify this up a bit: RT warns about a dark tone being clipped when all 3 channels are at or below the threshold. On the other hand, highlights show a warning when at least one channel is at or above the threshold (just in case someone hasn’t read RawPedia, yet).

Now, about your doubt regarding the 256 levels, you may wish to read the explanation about the main histogram.


Thank you. I hadn’t seen that page regarding histograms. It goes well beyond my question. Very nice. If there is any doubt about what I meant the answer to my hypothetical question could be “Yes”.

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