Collaboration with DeepSNR?


So first of all. I just wanted to say that I love Siril and everything it does.

In your Nightly version you have a collaboration(?) with Starnet++. This is a feature I use a lot.

My question is: Will it ever be possible to use DeepSNR (Which I believe is made by the same person and free) in Siril?

As I feel like this would be a great addition to the noise reduction you are already building into Siril.

This is just me having a thought. I hope it is ok if I ask it here :slight_smile:.

Keep up the amazing work you are doing with Siril!

  • Stefan.astro

Hello. Thanks for your message.
In fact this is not a collaboration. This is just the ability to launch the Command Line Interface version of Starnet++
I did not know DeepSNR, but on the website I read
Only PixInsight extension is available at the moment
so I think this is not possible yet.

Keep up the amazing work you are doing with Siril!

  • Stefan.astro

Thanks a lot, and thx for the YouTube video you make :wink:

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