Custom Profile Builder & PP3 Changes

It used to be if I right click on an image in the file browser, I could choose “Processing Profile Options”, then there it was…“Custom Profile Builder” Now I see “Reset to Default”. It appears this does the same thing. If so, I think this is rather confusing to name it as such. Resetting to default is not really what it is doing. When I think of “default”, I think of how RawThereapee makes the image look without a custom profile/profile builder.

Additionally, and more importantly, it appears that substantial changes have been made to the PP3 file such that I have to update my profile builder. I follow the two forums fairly regularly and I saw no mention of this. How are users notified of this? Am I too dense to notice this? It’s going to be a pain to update the builder. Are these PP3 changes to be permanent or was it inadvertent? If so, will these be reversed? Do I need to change my profile builder now or are these temporary changes?

Version: 5.1
Branch: 5.1
Commit: f23d70fd
Commit date: 2017-05-15
Compiler: gcc 6.3.0
Processor: generic x86
System: Windows
Bit depth: 64 bits
Gtkmm: V3.22.0
Build type: release
Build flags: -m64 -mwin32 -mthreads -Werror=unused-label -Werror=unknown-pragmas -Wno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -std=c++11 -mtune=generic -Werror=unused-label -fopenmp -Werror=unknown-pragmas -Wall -Wno-unused-result -Wno-deprecated-declarations -mwindows -DNDEBUG -msse2 -O3
Link flags: -m64 -mthreads -static-libgcc -mtune=generic -mwindows -s -O3
OpenMP support: ON
MMAP support: ON

reset to default does more than before. it actually resets the pp3 to the default value you specified in the preferences. if this involves calling the custom builder, then that is what happens here too. I hope this clarifies things.

as for the changes in the pp3 files, can you be more specific?

Can you please give an example? I’m not aware of substantial changes to PP3 files for 5.1.

I added a note about “Reset to default” here:

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Sorry for the delay in responding to this. Life is hectic!

  1. Maybe “Apply user default” instead of “Reset to default”? “Reset to default” sounds like something you get from the software developer, not from user customization.

  2. Ok, it appears that the default mode for exposure curves changed. I wasn’t defining that, so I though that entry in the PP3 must have changed, but it didn’t. I will have to add that. I will have to evaluate perceptual. I guess that’s a new one?

  3. I modify quite a few sections of the PP#, however, it appears that the PP3 file is being modified after my custom profiole builder does its thing. Note, I did not make any changes since the 4.x release, and this INI section name and key name has not changed.

Method=Color [“Color” is what i set it to ---- however, instead, it is being set to “Blend” instead]

I will try to debug this to see if I can figure out what is happening.

Maybe RawTherapee is passing a populated file to my custom profile builder? If so, I look for some existing values, so I don’t change them if they are already set.

It sounds better indeed, :thumbsup:

So I am seeing that a pre-filled profile is now loaded since my move from 4.x to 5.1. How do I stop that from being used?

Preferences–>Image Processing–>Default Processing Profile

Do I have to manually create a blank one now?

hi, maybe I don’t understand your problem, but: if you are using a custom profile builder, can’t you simply overwrite whatever RT generates before calling your program?

If I have already edited a photo, I want to keep some of the settings. Therefore I look to see if some values already exist and keep them. I need to pass an empty PP3 to my custom profile builder if it is an unedited image.

hmm, RT will not call the custom builder of there’s already a pp3, it will only be called to generate a default one the first time you edit a pic (or if you click on “reset to default”, but that resets everything, meaning you will lose your edited pp3 anyway)

This is a bit of a problem for my builder. There are a bunch of things my builder does, and sometimes it is to fix selected changes I made to the sharpness/noise reduction that are in the PP3 (along with other changes in the PP3 I want to keep). What can I do?

I’m afraid that’s not much you can do from inside RT, other than perhaps apply a previously-saved partial profile, or copy the pp3, re-run the builder, and then do a partial paste. If you could post what your builder does, you might get some ideas for alternative workflows.

I don’t understand. Why this change? My workflow that I spent a whole bunch of time working on is now broken. My criteria is stated above. I need to be able to start with an empty PP3 with an unedited document because I need to make changes to some things regardless and others only if they don’t exist (when I haven’t edited the file yet).

This is so frustrating. There’s got to be a solution in RawTherapee for me.

Can we add the menu item back for custom profile builder that had the same exact behavior as before?

I think I’m going to submit a bug report.

new features have been added (specifically, dynamic processing profiles), code has been restructured, this is likely an unwanted side effect.
