Custom weightages for color channels in RGB compositing

But how to do that without Step 1 given the way SIRIL input works?

Say Image A is 1000 ADU Red, 500 Green and 100 Blue
B is 800,400,200
C is 600,300,100

I want Red channel of composite to be 50% A, 25% B and 25% C

In SIRIL, I can only input color by image.

  1. So, if I put A as 50% red, B as 25% Red and C as 25% Red i end up with Red as 500+200+150 = 850 ADU.
  2. But now my contribution of A to Red is 500/850=59%, not 50%. B is 200/850=24%, and C = 150/850=18%.
  3. So I have to go back to Step 1 and try different numbers till in Step 2 it comes out to 50-25-25
  4. Once complete, I convert the numbers from Step 1 to hex as per tutorial.

How else can this be done?

I think you have a problem of consistency between the levels of your images or that you are trying to make a white balance with the wrong tool. You should just know what amount of each of the three colours you want to assign to each image, then do a white balance outside the tool maybe. And use the linear match as described in the first part of the tutorial.
