D850 corection lens


i use darktable 2.4 on windows. it’s a download version
(version 2.5.0+70 on imac do the same thing)

lens correction module doesn’t display my camera.
a warning tells me camera/lens not found please select manually
My lens is displayed . I don’t find the camera in the list

i check camera.xml file.
it contains D850 entries for 12/14 bit compressed/uncompressed raw files

image information are OK on the left panel

for my D4 with the same lens it’s OK. I miss something ??


From the darktable faq

lensfun is used for lens correction. If the lens correction module isn’t showing your camera or lens, or a wrong one, then please report that to those folks.

It’s probably only the camera definition that is missing, check http://lensfun.sourceforge.net/manual/addcamera.html