Darktable 3 exif tags

In DT 3 we have this (copied from Release darktable 3.0.0rc1 released · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub):

A new single-line image information display can be positioned at the top (left, right, or center) […] The specific information shown can be configured in preferences.

So what are the exif tags we can display? I have tried for example (following the nomenclature set as default) $EXIF_DATETIMEORIGINAL but doesn’t work. Anybody has a list of the accepted information fields we can use?

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some examples can be found here


So looking through the discussion on github I understand that the only tags that can be used are:


From trial and error I discovered that to build the capture date I can also use $(YEAR), $(MONTH), $(DAY). These three tags I think reflect the DateTimeOriginal exif tag.

no, you can use the same tags as in the export module as written in the comments of the pull request plus the one you mentioned:

it use the same template system as used in the export lib


Alright Christian, thanks for the correction! Will test it later.