Darktable getting very slow


I have a good PC (i9-14900 64GB RAM with NVIDIA RTX4070) on Ubuntu 24.04 but Darktable (4.8.1) takes around 3 seconds to go from one JPEG to another in the darkroom. I have been using Darktable since a very long time and have been upgrading regularly.

I have enabled the logs and I can see it sits on a single SQL query for a bit less than 3 seconds. Here is the line in question and the next one:

942.2825 [sql] /home/patrick/src/darktable/src/common/tags.c:725, function dt_tag_get_attached(): prepare "SELECT DISTINCT I.tagid, T.name, T.flags, T.synonyms, COUNT(DISTINCT I.imgid) AS inb FROM main.tagged_images AS I JOIN data.tags AS T ON T.id = I.tagid WHERE I.imgid IN (SELECT imgid FROM main.selected_images) AND T.id NOT IN memory.darktable_tags GROUP BY I.tagid  ORDER by T.name"
944.9716 [sql] ...

OK, I have many images (11472), tagged_images (18391) and a lot of tags (32315) in my DB files. But this should not take that long.

I’ve tried to do this query in a shell (minus the memory.darktable_tags part) and it wasn’t that slow. So it’s maybe not this query…

After backing up my ~/.config/darktable files, I’ve tried to delete the contents of 2 suspect tables:

~/.config/darktable$ sqlite3 library.db                                                         
SQLite version 3.45.1 2024-01-30 16:01:20
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> delete from tagged_images;
sqlite> vacuum;

~/.config/darktable$ sqlite3 data.db                                                            
SQLite version 3.45.1 2024-01-30 16:01:20
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> delete from tags;
sqlite> vacuum;

I seem to still have all my collections and the application is now very responsive.

What are those tables for?
What do I loose by emptying them?
Does anybody else had this kind of performance problems?
Is there a less drastic solution to my problem?


I wonder why there were so many tags.

I’d assume the tags table stores the individual tags, and tagged_images the associations (imageX has tags tag1, tag2).

That in (select ...) looks suspect, depending on the sqlite optimizer’s abilities (it’s not correlated, enough to execute once).

That’s a lot of different tags, you must spend quite some time to assign them. :wink:

I would answer the same as @kofa, tags is for storing the tags and tagged_images is for associating them to photos…

Probably nothing if tag are stored in XMP files, which is probably the case? (see Preferences > Storage > XMP sidecar files)

Not me.

I would have tried a simple VACUUM before deleting the tags and tagged_images tables entries…

But is it realistic to have over 30k tags, or could there have been some duplication due to a bug?

I do agree, this is something like 30x the number I count for 39800 images, but I’m not specially good at tagging.
Now this is up to @pvalsecc to express himself about this so big number of tags.

And, as you can see below, the index on tags is UNIQUE on ‘name’ which is the name given to the tag…

sqlite> .schema tags
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tags_name_idx ON tags (name);

So, I wouldn’t think of tags duplication.

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An option. Ensure all your images have the xmp. Save the old database and start a new one. Import the images and compare the database/speed.

But is it realistic to have over 30k tags, or could there have been some duplication due to a bug?

Never did anything to add a tag manually apart from using the little cross for pictures I’m planning to delete. But then, those are deleted soon after.

An option. Ensure all your images have the xmp. Save the old database and start a new one. Import the images and compare the database/speed.

No need to delete the whole DB. What I did, emptying the two tables did the trick.
Since I do have the XMP file, I’ll use this trick, then.

You could SELECT the contents of the table to check what you have in there (darktable creates backups quote frequently).

Now this is up to @pvalsecc to express himself about this so big number of tags.

Looking at the content of the tags table, I see tons of records like that:

<gpx creator="Converted by fit2gpx, http://velo100.ru/garmin-fit-to-gpx from Device ID: 831 (COROS)" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1" xmlns:gpxtrx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/GpxExtensions/v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:gpxtpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1" xmlns:gpxx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/WaypointExtension/v1" xmlns:nmea="http://trekbuddy.net/2009/01/gpx/nmea">|<trk>|<trkseg>|<trkpt lat="55.96558350138366" lon="-4.345451602712274">|<extensions>|<gpxtpx:TrackPointExtension>|<gpxtpx:course>3945.0</gpxtpx:course>

I guess those were created when I geotagged my pictures using GPX files:

sqlite> select count(*) from tags;
sqlite> select count(*) from tags where name like '<GPX%';

I’ve tried to delete only those weird GPX tags and yes, the perfs are back to something good. And I’ve checked, the pictures still show on the map at the correct location.

Must be a bug in the geotagging widget of the lighttable.

Shall I create a github defect?

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Probably yes, though it may be a feature request instead. It’s not a bug in the sense that darktable works as designed, creating tags from metadata. However, it should filter them, which would be a new feature.

I vacuumed both databases without changing anything. Both became significantly smaller.

One thing I don’t understand very well is…

I’ve already been geotagging photos in dt using GPX files and I find nothing comparable with these <gpx... entries in the tags table from data.db…
Instead the GPS longitude/latitude are stored in the XMP sidecar files.

Did you geotag your photos using dt or another tool?

Please, in case you open an issue/feature request, let us know the URL.

I vacuumed both databases without changing anything. Both became significantly smaller.

Didn’t help the perfs.

Did you geotag your photos using dt or another tool?

I’ve used darktable but last time was two years ago.

I agree.

The ‘vacuum’ simply compacts the DB.

I think there’s an index missing (on tagged_images.imgid). See Missing index · Issue #17543 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

Edit: the index was dropped on purpose, should have no negative impact; the column is already used as the 1st column of a multi-column index. I’ve closed the issue in Github.

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You can try and clean up the unused tags:


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Do you perhaps use other tools, like Digikam, that may put those tags in the xmp files, which would then be imported by darktable?