darktable themes

I find it difficult to distinguish the ‘switch’ positions on individual modules.
blurs off OFF
blurs on ON
blurs open OPEN
The open does look distinctive but the OFF and ON are rather difficult to see.
I have tried all of the themes and am using the theme ‘modification’ CSS file.
Currently I am using the darktable-icons-grey theme.
Do others see the same problem?
I am running Manjaro/Arch/XFCE

You could see if you like this line…just paste in the css window of the general preferences , check and save… If you don’t like it just uncheck…

I just made the inactive ones a bit darker so its more clear and the hover turns on and brightens them right away anyway… its seems to visually enhance the active ones too…

@define-color button_fg alpha(@fg_color, .35);

Default is 0.55 or something…

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Thanks Todd

It looks like I have been using some earlier version of the CSS … there is no sign of the line that you have referenced!

Would you kindly forward to me a copy of the current version and I will make a fresh start.



It comes from darktable.css… I think all the themes are based on it and then adjusted…

If you add that line in the general preferences tab and enable the check box it should work or poke around in darktable.css and find the change you want to make and add it… I also use the elegant gray ….

Problem solved … thanks … I had an old modifying set of instructions in the preferences that messed everything-up.
Looks better now!

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