darktable. where do icc profiles go?

Hi, I am being very stupid. I know one has to drag icc profiles into darktable to $HOME/.config/darktable/color/in but cannot remember how to find it.

This is where I am looking in File Manager…C:\Program Files\darktable\lib

Where should I be looking?

I’m not a Windows user but, looking at the faq, I do believe this on Linux:


corresponds to this on Windows:


The color directory, and its subdirs do not exist out-of-the-box and need to be created (at least this is the case on Linux).

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ICC profiles should be put in:

If the path does not exist in your installation yet, you have to create it.

Best regards,

Depends what profiles and where you want to use them. could also be placed in the color in folder for say a color checker ICC from calibrating your camera