Details Tab as a challenge


one of the biggest challenges for me in RT is the “Details” tab. There are so many sharpening and denoising options and sliders and it is really confusing. Though, if I have the patience to play around with it for some time, eventually I find a combination of settings which is ok for me.
I think RawPedia is not comprehensive enough for this tab. I have read the chapter at least twice but still a lot of it I simply do not understand. I do not understand completely what all the sliders are actually doing.
So my whish would be one or more really comprehensive tutorials for this tab with many examples and exercises, high iso, low iso, sharp, unsharp etc. I did not find really useful tutorials on youtube or so, but maybe I just was not looking carefully enough?
Sometimes I even think that I better do not do anything in this tab but leave sharpening/noise reduction to photoshop or gimp and nik dfine or so, though I would really like to understand it better.
Also, concerning the combination of sharpening and noise reduction, I made contradictory experiences so far. In general, raws form my Canon do not like sharpening and noise reduction at the same time in RT (strange patterns appear in uniform areas), whereas raws from my Olympus appear to be much less “allergic” to this.
I do not expect any “recipes” or detailed explanations as answers to this thread, I just wanted to share my thoughts. I think one could write an entire book just about this tab.
