dt unknown-version? ["solved" -- sort of]

Definitely not. The sequence of the commands is of importance. You tried to set the safe directory before running the build script to build and install. The correct sequence is :

  1. run build script without installing
  2. set safe directory
  3. install via cmake

I’m compiling darktable with what GitHub - darktable-org/darktable: darktable is an open source photography workflow application and raw developer recommends:

./build.sh --prefix /opt/darktable --build-type Release --install --sudo

I get the “unknown version” error.

Is that command wrong?

NO, but all is explains above

NO, but all is explains above

@nilvus sorry, I cannot realize why I don’t get the correct version is that command is correct… could you give me some more hint?

It’s related to a github security update. You have just a command to type one time only on your system. See @pehar comment above (16th comment on april 18th).

I issued sudo git config --global --add safe.directory /home/user/darktable/master (adapted to my darktable clone directory)

I re-pulled darktable repository

I run again ./build.sh --prefix /opt/darktable/ --build-type Release --install --sudo

Nothing changed: still version unknown.

What am I missing?

Please read the entire thread, everything is fully explained. See especially comments 19 and 21.

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ok, I found the solution.

An interrogation mark remains: why isn’t it enough to run sudo git config --global --add safe.directory /home/user/darktable/master once for all? does git forget that value?

I had to set it only once. The configuration is saved in ~.gitconfig :

	directory = /home/<user>/darktable/master