Exercise in haze removal

A photo of Hallstatt (Austria); I’m wondering if there is a way of reducing the haze. Here’s my effort:

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF (26.6 MB)

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220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (13.4 KB)


nice shot! Here my try in RT-dev:

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.jpg.out.pp3 (14,9 KB)


I don’t really see haze. The background is not so far and appears clean.
The only thing I see is a blue cast that is corrected in the processing of @marter.
Nice photo.

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (8.6 KB)


220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (13.4 KB)

Thanks, my favourite so far. I must admit I hadn’t notice the blue cast, I’ve had another go, correcting it with colour calibration.

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A lovely photograph. A quick play in GIMP.


220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (10.9 KB)


My try with dt 3.8.1.

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (6.8 KB)

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My version with dt 3.9.0+1744~gebe766dba

220531_Hallstatt-22_01.RAF.xmp (23.3 KB)

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Tried to dehaze using colours and not local contrast because I like the background to stay behind and the foreground to stand out.
Added a small blur on the lake, not sure it’s a good idea !

dt 3.9

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (27.7 KB)

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Some great interpretations here, thanks all.

I like the view, looks like it was a nice vacation

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (23.6 KB)

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Looks very calm. Tried a bit of everything.

220531_Hallstatt-22-1.jpg.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)

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There is haze but there is more cast-haze than detail-haze. Modern haze removal processing should leave room for haze recovery because a haze-free image is unnatural. Comes with the fact that farther objects should not be sharper (have higher optical resolution) than closer ones.

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Just a question… Is this the Hallstatt which gave it’s name to the first Celtic culture?

220531_Hallstatt-22-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14,4 KB)

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Good question! It’s a period in our history which fascinates me, but I don’t know the answer for sure without referring to the internet. The answer, I understand, is “yes”, although whether it is the first “Celtic” culture is up for debate, again, I think. I am not an expert, being a career scientist, not a historian.

You’ve alluded to a period in Europe’s history, including the UK’s (where I am) history, which was cut all too short by the spread of the Roman empire. Some of the craftsmanship demonstrated by those (pre-Roman) people was (and remains) astonishing. As an example of what was, perhaps, lost, have a look at the [[Snettisham Hoard - Wikipedia](https://Snettisham hoard)](https://Snettisham hoard).

That is very , very nice, thanks.

If I am not mistaken it was in Austria. But this does not seem to be an easy/comfortable place to live with those steep mountains.

I went to Victoria & Albert for the Stonehenge special the other day (was not about Stonehenge, but the time of). The hoard you mentioned is definitely Celtic (the torcs are the giveaways) and of a much later date than Hallstatt. Thanks for replying!

On topic again. Which one of the “developments” matches what you saw colour wise (white balance etc)?