Extreme contrast with darktable

Forgot to sat that if you increase contrast in Color Balance this will also increase saturation, unlike filmic, so it will produce a more vibrant look. It’s matter of taste

My take on the subject

DSC05578.ARW.xmp (8.9 KB)

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I’m a little late to the party, but here’s my take on this wonderful image. I processed the image in DT 3.2.1 using my usual modules which took me under 5 minutes start to end.

In filmic I adjusted the white and black relative exposures until they looked right
I used the local contrast tool with a multiply blend mode and opacity set to 25%
In tone equalizer, I boosted the shadows a bit, but not too much as that - to me - didn’t look right.
In color balance, I used the hue eyedropper to adjust mid-tones. I tried playing with the saturation and contrast sliders, but decided to leave them where they were - I’m fighting a tendency to ‘over-cook’ my images with too high contrast and over-saturated colors but I think I did all right in this image.
I also increased the exposure a bit
I also used demosaic (AMaZE), perspective correction, lens correction, and the contrast equalizer (deblur: large blur, strength 3) to round things out.

DSC05578.ARW.xmp (8.5 KB)

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DSC05578.jpg.out.pp3 (14,2 KB)

Edited at night, so I guaranty nothing:

DSC05578.ARW.xmp (9,1 Ko)

Same with a hint of tone EQ:

DSC05578.ARW.xmp (9,5 Ko)


I am a newbie but I attempted, too.DSC05578.ARW.xmp (10.6 KB)

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Nice picture. Wish I was there.

DSC05578_01.ARW BM .xmp (28.7 KB)

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DSC05578.ARW.xmp (25,9 KB)

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I’m late to the party on this one. Nice scene!

DSC05578.ARW.xmp (43.1 KB)
darktable 3.2.1

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Really like this photo, thank you very much for posting it. Here is my RawTherapee 5.8 edit:

DSC05578.ARW.pp3 (12.1 KB)


@MarcoNex I missed this one. Picturesque. :slight_smile:

I like this shot. I thought I would try a contrasty development. (Some kind of bleach bypass like processing in darktable)

(yes, there is still subtle detail in the darks… at least on my screen :wink:)

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DSC05578.ARW.xmp (12.7 KB)

Did some perspective correction