Feature request: implement "Flow" for drawn mask as in LR or C1

Just a proposal here.
A feature which I like very much in Capture One (same in LightRoom) is the “Flow” control when drawing masks.
Through that you can build the mask in several strokes where the opacity is progressively increased.
This is useful for example when doing dodge/burn. It is like painting with light and shade.
Is it possible to implement in DT or the masking system is fundamentally different ?



Likewise you can use keys [ | ] to decrease/increase brush size, { | } to decrease/increase hardness, and < | > to decrease/increase opacity.

From https://www.darktable.org/usermanual/en/drawn_mask.html#drawn_mask_usage

It is not the same.
Overlapping two shapes with opacity 50% will not give you 100% opacity.
In C1 or LR, if you set opacity to 50% and flow to 10%, the opacity will be 5% more for each overlapping stroke, until reaching 50% and then it will stay there.


It appears you can do it with a pen tablet.

Thanks for your answer, I don’t know that.
I have a Wacom tablet which I rarely use and i’ve tried to setup it for Darktable.
It actually works ad opacity of the brush stroke depends on the pen pressure.
However there is a HUGE performance problem. Just a couple of complex strokes and DT become completely unusable, screen refresh take tens of second on a 6 cores CPU + fast GPU PC (Windows 10).
Not really a solution.

There appears to be a problem with the Wacom. Read: