Four languages? Nessun problema!


They really, really want to make sure nobody walks on the grass, and their not taking any (linguistic) chances…

There was an advert in South Africa on TV which started off by stating a premise that people remember things they hear 3 times in succession, then it went on to advertise something three times. Applying the same logic here, the only text repeated 3 times is “WALK GRASS”…

… Then again, I don’t remember what the repeated-three-times text in the advert was, so the idea may have been bogus.
I’d pee on that grass regardless.

Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse!

I don’t know about you but (1) green and white means go and (2) all I can see is WALK GRASS. I would definitely WALK on the GRASS and take the sign to put in my hypothetical dorm room.