Gimp 2.10 Plugin/Extensions compatibility

Hi all, first time poster, lurker for a while.

I have a quietsion regarding Gimp. I’m very exited about Gimp 2.10 but I wonder if it will be compatible with my extensions/plugins?

I use a few extensions all the time and if 2.10 it’s not compatible I might just stick with 2.8.22.

If someone can clarify this to me would be great.

Thank you.

Hi, awesome that you’ve joined, welcome!

It will really come down to a plugin by plugin basis, you’ll need to test them.

If you’re on Linux, there is an appimage of the beta available here: GitHub - aferrero2707/gimp-appimage you can use it to test without disturbing your current installation.

Also we have a community repo of plugins that we are testing against the current beta: GitHub - pixlsus/GIMP-Scripts: Community managed scripts for the GNU Image Manipulation Program

If the scripts in that repo don’t work with 2.10, open a bug and we’ll fix them!


Thank you paperdigits! It´s a great forum and very I’m very happy I finally opened a topic: )

I’m on Windows lately, but would love to install 2.10 Rc2 along with my production version to test it and see if my most used plugins work.

Will look around for a way to install it, or if you or somewone else can point me to a way to do it would be awesome:)

I think partha has built a recent version for windows:

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Perfect, that’s what I was looking for, there is even a portable version. Thank you Paperdigits!