Gimp single window mode - Filename only tabs?

I sometimes use single window mode but would much prefer to have filename only tabs. Often the filename has more meaning particularly with multiple similar files open. The thumbnails also take up vertical space which is an issue on laptops in particular.

Anyone else that feels the same? Am I missing a tweak or setting to make this happen?

I do know that a good window manager will solve some of the issues but I occasionally work on windows with a lot of software running. In such circumstances “containing” gimp to one window is useful. I also run dwm, a tiling window manager on my laptop. Single window mode works a lot better there.

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I complained about the tab thumbnails being too tall in this gimp-gui mailing list thread:

“Possible places to save vertical space in single window mode”

Doing a quick search through existing bug reports, I don’t see an open bug report on this topic. If you open a bug report on the topic I’ll happily second your request: