Help to install RPD on CentOS 8

Hi All! I have problem with CentOS 8 install, using script. The install script stopping when it was trying sudo yum -y install with message:
Conflicting request.

Looks like the script needs to be updated for version 8!

I am trying to update the install script to handle CentOS 8. However I cannot figure out from where to install libgphoto2-devel. I can’t find an official packages database for CentOS either, which is surprising.

Unfortunately, if libgphoto2-devel cannot be installed, that makes installation via an automated script really difficult and not worth the hassle.

There is libgphoto2-devel-2.5.16-3.el8.x86_64.rpm package in CentOS-PowerTools repo.

Please explain what this is. Is it an official repository? Is it from the IUS community or another group? For how long will it be supported?

Unfortunately I couldn’t find any additional information about this repo. After fresh install CentOS 8 I have CentOS-PowerTools.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d. Link CentOS Mirror

It was not enabled in an install I did of CentOS 8. Where is the CentOS documentation on these repositories?

You can enable it with command: sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools.

I found the article:

in RHEL developer stuff is available in the CodeReady Linux Builder channel
in CentOS developer stuff is available in the PowerTools repository

Next link EPEL - Fedora Project Wiki
“… on CentOS 8 it is recommended to also enable the PowerTools repository since EPEL packages may depend on packages from it…”
Q: 10.Where is the CentOS 8 codeready-developer equivalent repo?
A: The PowerTools repo has the packages from codeready-developer repo. “CodeReady linux Builder” could not be used because it is a trademarked name.

Thanks. Those links were helpful. The next missing package is zeromq-devel. That’s not in the PowerTools or the EPEL apparently.

I could find only zeromq-devel-4.1.6-10.el8.remi.x86_64.rpm in Remi’s RPM repository (

Install Howto

  1. Download latest remi-release rpm from
    Index of /enterprise/8/remi/x86_64
  2. Install remi-release rpm:
    rpm -Uvh remi-release*rpm
  3. Install zeromq-devel rpm package:
    dnf --enablerepo=remi install zeromq-devel

About Remi Repository:

“… Remi Repository - (See Remi Collet maintains a large collection of RPMS, including latest versions of PHP etc. He’s also got an FAQ at . Note that this is a collection of repos, and using the -safe series will ensure that nothing from the base CentOS Linux distro is overwritten or replaced. However, be aware that this repo does not play nicely with other third party repos - for example, Remi’s packages contain Obsoletes: lines for packages from both IUS and Webtatic repos and thus will automatically replace them with the .remi version. This may not be the desired behaviour and you should be careful with enabling this repo for that reason…”

For sure I cannot support such a configuration myself, as it is bound to break. It’s better to wait until there are more mainstream CentOS ZeroMQ packages, like there were with 7.5.

If you want to install Rapid Photo Downloader by installing all its dependencies manually then you can do that. You can see what Fedora packages the script installs, then use python3’s pip to install Rapid Photo Downloader.

OK. Thank you for your help!