[Help] Writing an article for the 10 years of G'MIC ?

It isn’t moving things around per se but knowing what the underlying meaning and intent is. That said, I am super slow. Last 30 min, I only reworked the last two short paragraphs. :blush: I am already quitting for today. :joy_cat:


I’ll take some time after the lunch to read the translation and check that the meaning is the same as in French. I propose to delete the original paragraphs in French when the checking is done.
Thus, we’ll get a English-only version for the final touch :slight_smile: Is it OK for everyone ?

Seems sensible to me, you should have the final choice anyway of course! There’s a revision history too so nothing to worry about.

In any case, the original paragraphs are still available in the original French text : https://linuxfr.org/news/g-mic-2-3-4-traiter-ses-images-en-se-disant-deja-10-ans.md

I’ve tried to clean the article on HackMD a little bit:

  • I’ve checked the global meaning of the article is preserved in the translated paragraphs. That is great, thanks everyone !
  • I’ve removed the original paragraphs in French.
  • I’ve cleaned up some links (initially pointing to French pages), and translated also the link labels.

So we have now an English version that only requires some attention to be sure the sentences do not sound too weird !

I improved the intro up to “Previous article about G’MIC on Pixls.us”.

Remarks (maybe I am too thorough :slight_smile:)
– I find it an odd choice that there is no vertical space between certain paragraphs, which is present in the original French. I would either make it one paragraph or two with the space in between. Just a minor quibble.

– The word libre. I suppose free is good enough for our purposes, but certain proponents of free software, etc., prefer to use libre in English as well.

– There are still diction problems in the article. I don’t have time to sift through. Sometimes it is a wrong word choice. Other times it is a translation inconsistency. In the latter case, it would be nice if expressions were translated the same throughout the article.

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Do you think it’s now good enough to be published ?
Definitely not sure :cold_face:

Going through it now.

PS I improved on the grammar, diction and sentence sense of section 1. :slight_smile: So, in total, I have improved the beginning to the end of 1, the last two short paragraphs at the end of the article, and a word or phrase, or two, within the article.

Thought I forgot most of the French I learned in school but I guess I still have some of it in me. :blush:


I’d say it’s reached a point where improvements would be small. The only thing I notice throughout is those strange little double left and right arrow things ( « » ), perhaps they have some meaning I don’t know about though…

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There are equivalent to the double quote in French.

I would suggest for the first sentence, “The IMAGE team of the GREYC laboratory is happy to invite you to celebrate with us the 10th anniversary of G’MIC, our open-source (CeCILL), generic and extensible framework for image processing.” (What “its” refers to is not clear in the existing English version.)

Instead of “ad vitam aeternam”, I’d suggest “ad infinitum”, if you feel it also reflects your intent, because “ad infinitum” is more commonly used.

(I made a few typographical changes already, but felt these should be suggested rather than just edited in place.)

None of the remaining instances of guillemets « » are necessary for me. They surround text that is already bolded or italicized, and therefore does not need quotes to set it off. (English does not use quoting to emphasize.)

Is there an intent for why some things use both guillemets and other emphasis?

Related to this: I would suggest that a consistent usage of bold and italic, with the general recommendation that italic be used for emphasis.

Last suggestion: rewrite to eliminate many of the parenthetical remarks. I did some where I felt it did not change the style of the writing.

Perhaps using parentheses has a different feel in English than French? In English, I would say parentheses mean “this is less important, but I’m saying it anyway so you can understand my context”.

(Nevertheless, I use lots of parenthetical comments myself as you can see by my posts!) :slight_smile:

@dan I would be judicious in changing things. I agree there are a lot of parenthetical notes, dashes, etc.; but that is the way it was published in French. It is a translator’s temptation to change things; we must resist the urge. :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Son (his): I changed its to an rather than our.
  • Since ad vitam aeternam is Latin and in the original article, I wouldn’t touch that.
  • Guillemets are French quotation marks. They aren’t used in the English language. We should change them accordingly.

Lastly, since the document is open to all to edit, the result can be haphazard. I am sure @patdavid @paperdigits et al. will give it a final look before publishing the translation. :slight_smile:

@afre, my opinion is that we shouldn’t care too much about the fact the original article in written in French. The goal here should be rather to have at the end a well-written article for English readers. To me, all the modifications that go this way are welcome.

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orig: since users can add their own functionalities by using...

either keep it singular (i.e functionality) and use the appropriate collocating verb

since users can extend its functionality by using...

or use functions

since users can add their own functions by using...

(Do I need to log in to this hackmd.io or do I simply click on the pencil icon and make my changes in the inline Sublime editor?)

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Yes, anonymous editing is permitted.


Can I ask if my interpretation of your French (in bold) is close to original meaning?

One of the natural evolutions of the project, creating bindings of CImg to other programming languages,

didn’t appeal much to me given the lack of interest I had in writing the code.

And these potential bindings still only concerned an audience with some development expertise.

the code for creating the bindings, yes. Code in general, no, of course :wink:

Now I can make edits without sweating. :joy: