History list to long, compress button to the top?

I was wondering if I’m the only one who runs into the problem that there are too many items in my darkroom history list. And as no scrollbar appears it’s not possible to compress the list back into a manageable size… This most often happens to me when using styles from the light table on an image on which I’ve already been working a bit.

Another question about the history list, why aren’t the turned-off entries removed? while I can imagine that it’s for keeping the settings in case one wants to turn it back on again, that should also go for the double entries which are merged into a single entry…


As much as anything I think that the ‘non-used’ modules are retained so that you can reinstate them if needed.
My take on the problem is to a.) compress the stack and then b.) make an on/off setting on unwanted items followed by a second compression. … this will put all of your unwanted modules at the top of the list and can then be collectively removed.
Sounds complicated … it is not really … but things can get messy when you copy large styles into place over an existing stack.
One thing to consider is that before you copy in a new style it is a good idea to clean out unwanted material. This is a all a function of being neat and tidy in your digital workplace.