How to make GIMP installation directory relative to RT?

I’ve now succeeded in getting both GIMP (2.9.8) and RT (5.3) installed on an external (flash) memory drive to run in portable fashion. In that, same software on different computers/systems. RT preferences allows the specification of “GIMP Installation Directory”. However, the UI forces one to use a graphical interface that allows a navigable dialogue to be used to select a directory. I’m pretty sure this results in the specification of a full (absolute) path which includes the Windows drive letter. However, because this drive can be mounted with different drive letters, there is no such thing as a valid absolute path. Since both RT and GIMP are installed on the same drive it is very easy to specify a relative path that will always be correct.

Is it possible that this setting can be edited in such a fashion that a relative path rather than an absolute path can be specified?

Try “Custom command line”.

Sorry, I think I should have noticed that. It works. I also found that I could go and edit the options file and that worked also. Problem solved!