How to recover custom curves after reset?

well I did something pretty silly, I accidentally hit “reset all files” in gimp…so is there a way I can still find and save the huge amount of custom curves I’ve made? ugh. I haven’t opened the curves yet, (and won’t until I hear if there’s any possible chance they can be salvaged) so please, tell me your ideas on this subject, thanks

Do you make backups? What version of Gimp do you use?

Curves are stored in a text file (or used to be, and probably still are). I can’t remember which file, but I can dig it out, or someone will know.

Where is that menu option? I can’t find it. If you mean the Filter menu, option “Reset all filters”, that doesn’t delete custom curves.

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On my 2.8 install, the curves folder is located in ~/.gimp-2.8/curves/ - your custom saved curves should be there (if they weren’t nuked). You can add them back in from the curves dialog:


Choose Import Settings from File... and navigate to that folder, choose each curve and don’t forget to hit the button right next to this menu to Add settings to favorites.

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I assumed my custom curve presets may have been deleted as I noticed my light/highlight presets (under colors…may be wrong name, don’t have it open, sorry!) were erased…yes, it would be very cool if the color curves were still there…

:grimacing: ughs, sadly, most of my curves (the really cool ones!!) have been nuke - I have some old ones that can still be salvaged via the way Pat was showing above, but most, gone! My only positive is how much creativity runs amok in my brain…seriously! …and also, I can remember some of them, kinda. :upside_down_face: …so, we move on…

I’m sorry to hear that.

I encourage you (and everyone) to do backups. They guard against machine failure, but also finger-trouble – those times we say, “Aagh, I didnt mean to do that!”

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yes, I did it once, obviously (backups) but have had finger-trouble 2x since! auugh

Solved! and thank you, everyone

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