How to use Database of unstable version 3.1.0 (edited photographs) in stable version 3.0.2

Dear all,
Some time ago (beginning of the year) I installed the GIT-version (version 3.1.0) of Darktable.
This version functions well.
But a lua based script for blending images (focus stacked and exposure stacked) without exiting Darktable does not function.
The builder of the lua script advises to stable Darktable version 3.0.2.
Problem all editing done in Darktable version 3.1.0 can not be re-used in Darktable 3.0.2 database issue (masks not compatible).
Does anyone has a solution to make a database generated in version 3.1.0 re-usable in Darktable version 3.0.2.?

Don’t know how to resolve your specific problem but it is possible to run two versions of darktable on the same machine, if you just wanted to use 3.02 for some specific edits and keep 3.1.0 for the rest.

Nope, this is the risk of running master.

When I want to install version 3.0.2 it wants to uninstall 3.1.0

Ok so it is important to get the lua functioning in the master.
Can you help me. I sent you what i installed.

You’ll have to install one of them from source, then you can tell it to install it somewhere else to keep the two installations separate:

./ --prefix /directory/to/install/to

Then you can run it with

/directory/to/install/to/bin/darktable --cachedir “/cache/directory” --configdir “/config/directory”

Obviously you’ll have to put your own directory names in.

Hi Elstoc,
Thanks for the update.
Mica (Paperdigits) did help me getting the lua script run in the Darktable master (3.1.0) so now i don not need two versions running on my systems.
Still thanks for the suggestions.

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