I got inspired to wreck another camera....

…and it turned out pretty cool!
I found out that I could get a basic IR conversion by removing my high pass/IR light filter (correct me on the terminology if I’m wrong, I truly have no idea what I’m doing) from in front of my sensor.
I’ve had a little compact Fujifilm (jpeg only) point and shoot/bridge camera for years now, and have simply stropped using it. Went down a shallow rabbit hole last night, got inspired, and promptly removed the glass filter. I don’t believe I have a great infrared shooter now, but it does seem to do it a bit. This is an test shot from my driveway.
I’m looking forward to taking this out in the proper daylight some time soon.
The image quality won’t ever be great, but I think it’s going to be a lot of fun.
And I think you should have fun with this too:

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
DSCF4704.JPG.xmp (10.0 KB)


For a Play Raw the Raw is missing.


Nice, welcome to the club! My first infrared camera was a similar point-and-shoot hack job. If you’ve removed the glass in front of your sensor this could have included any of the following (depending on the camera)

  • The high pass (anti-aliasing) filter
  • The infrared cut filter (which blocks IR light)
  • The UV filter (which blocks UV light)

If you’ve removed both of the last two without adding any other filter to the camera, what you have is a “full spectrum” conversion (i.e. the camera is now sensitive to both UV and infrared light, as well as visible light). What I did on my infrared hack was to glue a step up filter ring to the front of my camera, so that I could add an infrared filter to block visible and UV light, then bought a cheap set of filters to experiment with.


What a massive oversight on my part…and I knew that it was a jpeg before I even created the post.

Do we have a “playjpeg” category? :laughing:
Maybe I should re categorize this as Showcase?

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I may do exactly this…thanks for the tips.

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I wouldn’t say Play Jpeg is as good as Play Raw. But it should be enough to have plenty of fun. :laughing:

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I’m always lost when it comes to infrared photography or other techniques which are leading to completely off colours. So this time I tried something different:

DSCF4704.JPG.xmp (10,2 KB)


40534baa36678a1e9b120a873f163b5602254c77.jpeg.xmp (8.8 KB)