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Uli, you are the Grand Master of cloud textures
As I cannot do something similar in RT, I just tried my best here (while listening to “I want more” by Can)
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Speaking of cloud textures, I often find that a reverse ‘S’ tone curve works well to restore their raw appearance, for example applied in FastStone Viewer to the converted raw file:
Partly because converters often apply a forward ‘S’ curve which does reduce the scene’s cloud and shadow contrast.
Interesting idea. Thanks.
Here’s another with slightly darker clouds, but also with a touch more contrast. I’m afraid to push it much further or it’ll start looking fake (if it’s not there already).
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Gave it the old college try. Great picture. I cropped to 4:3, mucked about with the colour balance and colour curve, tone and contrast eq, and a few other scene referred standards. Nothing too fancy…I tried to retain the saturation, but cranked the chroma a bit harder. I can’t do the sky much justice, but I like how it turned out with the harder lines on the right, and the softer sky on the left.
Can you post your sidecar?
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Not sure if I’ve done this right…
My first participation here!
I did a bit of color correction in Darktable. In gimp slight color tweaks to pull some green out and to add a over all, warmer red tone. Plus, a bit of clone tool to remove potholes and croped to wider format.
Very cool original picture.
Thanx for all your contributions so far. I’ve learned a lot from them!
I’ve studied what I like on your edits and what not. Most of your renders are quite dark. And I agree, that this gives more atmosphere. Anyway, to my liking, some of your edits are too dark. Even so the darkest edit is not. @Thomas_Do chose another way to interpret the picture and I like his edit very much, even so I wouldn’t do it this way.
Mainly from @lphilpot and @Sunhillow I got that raising the reds have a nice impact on this picture. Both versions have a rather soft look, which fits very well to their edits.
Some of you like @Tim, @fireball or @Zbyma72age decided to let the sun break through massively through the clouds on the left. This looks as well very impressive, but this means to give away structures in the clouds. Which I usually don’t want to do. Maybe I stand with this position sometimes in my own way…
Last but not least I have to say that pano is working as well.
So after all I think I have found my final edit. But of course I’m still open for new input.
This is what i got (after some heavy editing):
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Thanx for the Grand Master title, I feel honoured.
And, I’m sorry to read, you are listening to the wrong music. I had Sisters of Mercy in mind, when I created this thread…
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My attempt after extensive trying! I cropped the image and tried to make the mountain on the background the focus of the composition. Also, I tried to give some love to the retouch module! Great shot and edit, hope you like mine!
ps. we can probably get away with cropping even more from the lower right corner, i’ll try it later. Thanks for sharing the photo!
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Another two slight adjustments. Can’t decide if I like a more faded look or a richer one.
This explains all. This song by Can is for sure not among their best ones …
Another version from me, with RT again and a LUT named “Canon Footage”
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Probably too red
Your raw example is under-exposed by 1 to 2 EV and is therefore pretty “dark”.
I left it that way in case it was done deliberately for “atmosphere”. Anyone else?
According to the camera settings the scene lighting value was 15-2/3 EV which I rather doubt, looking at the ground and the sky …
If the shot was not deliberately under-exposed but just an error - then posting your version in Play Raw for “more in your edit” but then criticizing our offerings adversely is not within the spirit of Play Raw, IMHO.
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I’m glad you mentioned this…I actually went back to make sure my color profile was not changed…everyone has their taste and my edit on this one is not a great one for sure and came out too light but to me many more of these edits than usual are crushed pretty extremely…maybe that is way to go and best for the scene. I also apprecite the compositon gives a sense of depth but at the same time I find the road patches a distraction for the sky and the distant hill that most interest me so for me maybe using a tighter crop to remove them and change the focus is a look I would go for taking another go at it…
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