Is it possible to add new lens - Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5 Pancake - to DT?

Hi, As in topic, is it possible to add new lens for sony e-mount to darktable?

Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5 Full-Frame Lens for Sony E-Mount
Pancake lens -

I tried looking for some ready lens import file made by the community to update the lens database but I didn’t find anything like that at the moment.


system: Windows 11

Hi and welcome

Yes, you can do that. Follow this tutorial: PIXLS.US - Create lens calibration data for lensfun

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if you ant to avoid a setup of the required tools you can use the linux virtual machine mentioned in Create your own lens correction data for Lensfun – Kameratrollet

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Alternatively, you can take pictures with your lens to Torsten via this page:
(There’s some instructions what/how to take the pictures)
And he will do the calibration bit

I’ve done this in the past, it took a little while but now my cheap Pergear macro is in the lensfun database :smiley:

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Yeah but why not finish the job rather than have someone else do it? Shooting the photos is the hard and time consuming part :smiley:

Oh, totally. It’s just not everybody is equally comfortable doing the computer-y stuff.

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