Issue with stereo exr multi view


I’ve got issue with importing exr multi-view in natron.
Natron does not recognize the exr multiview, no change when I change right or left viewer.

I’ve read well : Stereoscopic compositing — Natron 3.0.0 documentation
This exr views works well on nuke, fusion, djview…i don’t understand…
screen of view infos reader.

Another test with another exr multi view.
Now i’ve got data in output Layer, but a cannot view left/right in the viewer even i creat ‘one View’ node.

We can only help if you give a sample project + exr file.
And I cannot promise I will fix it.

does it work with the files at
and ?


With the first link i’ve got the same issue like before.
With the second link exr won’t work at all.

Exr working fine on fusion9.

i’ve got the latest Natron and running on windows 10 x64.