commit 59769107
Use starnet++ to remove stars. Then use star recomposition to load the starless file.
Starless file here: starless_r_pp_roseta1_Light_stacked_GraXpert.fits - Google Drive
Initializing FFTW multithreading support…
log: Welcome to siril v1.3.4
log: Supported file types: BMP images, PIC images (IRIS), PGM and PPM binary images, RAW images, FITS-CFA images, Films, SER sequences, TIFF images, JPG images, JPEG XL images, PNG images, HEIF images, AVIF images.
log: value -1 is out of range [256, 32768] for core.max_slice_size
log: Setting CWD (Current Working Directory) to ‘/home/steve/astro/10-nov/roseta1/Light’
log: Parallel processing enabled: using 16 logical processors.
log: Color management active.
log: JPEG ICC profiles supported.
log: Local scripts repository is up-to-date!
log: Local SPCC database repository is up-to-date!
scripts: Error opening directory “/tmp/.mount_Siril-rSa49e/usr/share/siril/scripts”: No such file or directory
scripts: Error opening directory “/home/steve/.siril/scripts”: No such file or directory
log: Searching scripts in: “/home/steve/siril/scripts”…
log: Loading script: Mono_Preprocessing
log: Loading script: OSC_Extract_Ha
log: Loading script: OSC_Extract_HaOIII
log: Loading script: OSC_Preprocessing
log: Loading script: OSC_Preprocessing_BayerDrizzle
log: Loading script: RGB_Composition
log: Loading registration method: Global Star Alignment (deep-sky)
log: Loading registration method: 1-2-3 Stars Registration (deep-sky)
log: Loading registration method: Image Pattern Alignment (planetary - full disk)
log: Loading registration method: KOMBAT (planetary surfaces or full disk)
log: Loading registration method: Comet/Asteroid Registration
log: Loading registration method: Apply Existing Registration
log: Default FITS extension is set to .fits
log: Gaia archive available
Last available version: 1.2.4
The URI points to a local file.
log: Reading FITS: file starless_r_pp_roseta1_Light_stacked_GraXpert.fits, 3 layer(s), 3072x2032 pixels, 32 bits
nb_elts_at_start: 0
nb_elts_on_exit: 0
Purging previously saved reference frame data.
log: Setting the output image ICC profile to the working color space.
Error, signal 11:
Please report this bug to: Issues · FA / Siril · GitLab