Colombe, getting seriously annoyed by the guy with the camera
Some denoising, exposure, sharpening, various color boosts, contrast, and crop:
1K0A0565.CR3 (44.1 MB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
Colombe, getting seriously annoyed by the guy with the camera
Some denoising, exposure, sharpening, various color boosts, contrast, and crop:
1K0A0565.CR3 (44.1 MB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
I like that…
My version…
1K0A0565.CR3.xmp (22,4 KB)
… Sorry, I had uploaded the raw file instead of the .xmp file. Thanks @kofa for letting me know.
1K0A0565.CR3.xmp (16.5 KB)
That is a cute cat!
Here is my version with darktable, 1K0A0565.CR3.xmp (9.9 KB), and a custom film sim (Fujifilm Pro 400H + Kodak Supra Endura).
It required quite a bit of denoising.
I too own a Canon R7 and was really surprised at the amount of noise present in this image. The reason would be that the Canon R7 has a sensor that benefits from ETTR to keep noise minimal. Not all cameras work this way but in my experience the Canon R7 does. I shoot a lot of work at 32000 ISO and the noise is not too different to what you have here at 6400ISO.
Thanks for the play. I worked hard on the noise.
Yes, I noticed the noise. Not yet too used to the camera, and shooting a moving cat indoors with a very bleak daylight outside didn’t help either. Very impressed by the autofocus, though.
Interesting take on the head tilt.
1K0A0565.CR3.arp (12.8 KB)
Just for grins … a 3D view.
with head level go slowly cross-eyed until the middle image “locks in”. Best if both original panes are visible on your screen. Not sure if it works on small screens i.e. smartphones - anyone?
I tried it on my laptop (13 inch). DIdn’t got it to work. Probably I’m looking the wrong way. At what distance it is supposed to work?
More like an angle to the eyes, for me about 45 degrees apart. Not easy for most people at first. Try to keep the two images level while crossing the eyes.