macOS version not sharp pixel by pixel?

Hi guys,

Newbie question here: is the macOS version of Siril not completely sharp (the program itself; pixel for pixel) or am I doing something weird? Probably this is caused by the port to macOS.
See attached image. Compare the sharpness of the lettering in all but the Siril window.
Thanks for the great work here!


Yes. This is a workaround for having Siril working well on all macOS. Even on HiDPI.
Because there is a known bug of GTK with HiDPi system on macOS. So this is the only workaround I found: disabling HD rendering.

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Is there a way to enable HD rendering on an indivudual basis?
Processing images is not ideal with a blurred interface.

I don’t think that change something in the image rendering. You zoom and you have a pixel precision.
No, the difference is on the button, text and other rendering.

That‘s not what meant. Looking at a blurry interface for a longer period of time is hard on the eyes.

OK. But that means you have HiDPI. So I really not recommend to activate the HD because it will be very slow…

However, saying that you can try to remove the first and the last line of this block

<!-- Siril is too slow on high resolution

in the Info.plist.

However, as our application is now signed I’m even not sure you can modify a file without crashing the app.

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Ah yes, thanks!
For now, it seems to work. I’ll report back how it runs.

It didn’t survive a reboot, sadly. After rebooting it crashes like you suspected.
Why not add an option in the settings to unlock this HiDPI mode (flagged as experimental)?

Because it is handled by macOS.
We cannot easily change the status except as I’ve done.