Also the straight lines are all bent in one direction only, instead of being “mirrored” from the center
(You can also see that the top and bottom of the gores are not squeezed in the example below, and Norway did lost a lot of lands )
Before, nothing was missing like on this screenshot of G’MIC v 3.3.5 below,
Look at the North pole on the 5th gore (the white on top), the one above (problem), and the one below (no problem),
If I have to cut with scissors and glue to a ball (that’s the purpose of those gore), the one above will not do Earth properly as it will miss some part and the scale at the north and the south pole will be wrong, on the contrary the one Below this gore will properly represent Earth on a ball.
because thinner the part of the gore more squeezed were those part of the map, thus missing nothing.
In the latest version, now the sinusoidal just cut out and bent on the left side, instead of doing a proper map gore.
Not sure I explained well…
Do not hesitate to ask for another example, I’m not sure how I explained
After doing the gores the image is still stretched “equirectangular” we can see it well at the north and south pole, instead of getting their normal size like it was in the old screenshot I posted (see below).
There is no missing country
I think all goes back to G’MIC 3.3.5, because I have 2 screenshots with different result for the same G’MIC version, the pre-release was working as intended, then an update to 3.3.5 stable? and it stops to work as intended