Mastodon anyone?

Just joined Mastodon, all the cool kids are on it.

Anyone from here on it as well?

I tried to sign up earlier, and it still appears I cannot (at least on that node).

So… who’s going to host the ?

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/me waits for @andabata to get it going… :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wow it is getting packed, people are flocking like crazy, there was but it is full as well. This one is open:

But definitely a would be the greatest! :smiley:

Sounds good, I hadn’t heard about it. How’s it different from diaspora?

In a very short andsimple explanation I would say that it is similar to Twitter while Diaspora more like G+/Facebook. Here is the article that probably caused the flood to their servers:

Awesome – thanks for the link.

There are actually a lot of nodes:

What’s this and what is it unique for?

Because it’s like Twitter (with or without Nazis)?

That seems like a good reason for not using it.


But it could be cool to have a dedicated instance of (gnu/linux) photography only.

How is it much different than this forum?

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Limited post length? (well, most posts here would still fit :slight_smile: )


if anyone else joined feel free to message or anything. not that i’m on a lot haha :slight_smile: