Need help about Rawpedia translation in French

In Rawpedia page about Preferences/General Tab/External Editor, it is written:


If you use Linux, the GIMP option is hard-coded to look for the GIMP executable gimp anywhere.
For the command line option, simply write the full path including
the executable. You may need to enclose the whole line in parenthesis if
you need to pass arguments, see the example. Environment variables such
as ~ or $HOME are not supported.
“/usr/bin/geeqie --remote”
The above command opens the image in a single instance of Geeqie.
Note that you need to enclose it in parentheses because you’re passing
the “–remote” option.

It is not clear because I can see no parenthesis

It should be “quote marks” not “parenthesis.” Its also a wiki, so anyone can edit it :wink:

Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll fix it this weekend.


Preferences/fr - RawPedia needs updating.

Thanks both for being so fast.
French page updated.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Another problem,
In “How to get LCP and DCP profiles / Download” the two first links are broken. May be due to the new forum.

The first two links work fine here. Which are the first two links?

Ingo pointed out what you meant - the links are fixed now, thanks again for reporting.

It is working fine now. French page updated.

I translated the French page by jdc
in English. It needs serious proofread.

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