noise in sky over watergames on a beautiful sunny day

On our yesterday sunday walk i saw these watergames and wanted to freeze the waterdrops. The exposure was set to auto-ISO, thats why it came to ISO 1250. For this pic, thats not really a problem, but the sky was blue instead of grey, and working on this, I got incredible noise-artifacts there. How would you handle this?

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GIMP>Filters>G’MIC>Repair>Iain De-Noise 2019
GIMP>Image>Scale 1500x1000 linear

Goodbye, Sky Noise!


Very nice image. As to the sky, I just set the white balance to “as shot”, used two instances of profiled denoise, and used the color equalizer to modify the hue, saturation, and brightness of a spot in the sky.

_DSC8343.ARW.xmp (9.7 KB)

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I didn’t feel there was much of a noise problem in the sky. But to reduce the noise I only selectively did my basic sharpening on the details using the detail threshold slider in DT’s masking. I have included a screenshot of the masking I used for sharpening. This avoids revealing noise in the smooth areas of the image including the sky.

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With Art, however, I forgot to clean the sensor stain.

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My version…

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thanks everybody with your play and hints. I now got a version without any noise in the sky. The main problem was using a camera dcp-profile with tonecurve applied. After removing this profile, it became much more easier to edit the pic.
Problably i should remove this dcp-profile or its tonecurve from my dynamic profiles and only apply it individually.
Again, thanks a lot, again i could learn a lot from you!

BTW: Time to clean the sensor :wink:

My try. Didn’t apply too much blue to the sky.
For the noisy sky I used denoise in a local spot.

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