"official" repository of extra image format plugins

I put together a repository of “official” plugins to support additional image formats in ART:


Installation instructions are in the readme and in the .txt files of the individual plugins.



Excellent idea, the JPEG-XLS… what a space saver on the drive :+1:

This is a very nice addition. :+1:

Would it be possible to introduce a default directory (like /usr/share/ART/imageio/ on linux) to deploy the plugins for all users of a system?

It already works like that :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the PKGBUILD art-rawconverter-imageio

On an art-rawconverter-git installation, it asks to have a $HOME/.config/ART/imageio folder with the format folders and format.txt files !

The /usr/share/ART/imageio/ path does not seem to work.
But PKGBUILD has the advantage that all the dependencies go down.

Hi, I think my reply to @guzzisti was a bit misleading, sorry. /usr/share/ART/imageio is ok if you installed ART in /usr, otherwise it needs to be adapted to the install location of ART. And in particular, if you are using the official Linux binary, you need to put the imageio folder inside the top folder of ART. If that still doesn’t work, please report it as a bug.


Hi @JacoTux,

not sure if i understand your issue correctly. The package art-rawconverter-imageio installs the files into /usr/share/ART/ìmageio which is used by art-rawconverter and art-rawconverter-git packages.
This works fine on my side. There’s no need to have an imageio folder in the user’s config path.

Can you share some more details on what and when asks for the folder $HOME/.config/ART/imageio?

@agriggio JacoTux is refering to the imageio package i’ve created for archlinux to install the addons and all required dependencies (which are quite a lot thanks to python :wink: ).

Sorry for my poor English, but the translation help surely has a difficult time comprehending the not always easy French.

Yes, your reply “Cela fonctionne déjà comme ça” I had understood that it was daring, @guzzisti took up the challenge, useful because there are many dependencies.
And I have seen on AUR the incompatibility with a binary version, for us Archets, art-rawconverter-bin

No, I use the art-rawconverter-git development version and maybe that is the origin of the problem.
Because my user folder is $HOME/.config/ART-git/imageio not $HOME/.config/ART/imageio
perhaps ?

After having made a first successful test convinced that I did not need the user imageio in my $HOME/.config anymore, I destroyed it, then I noticed the problem, so…

I had a little time, I just installed 1.17.2, and now everything works fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

Capture d’écran_2022-12-02_01-00-58

I think it’s great that the git version has its own user folder in config… but it doesn’t seem to work for the devel version with art-rawconverter-git
It’s not essential, the devel is not intended to be used in production.

The package works fine for me with art-rawconverter-git - there’s no need for an imageio folder in the user’s .config dir as the package installs the scripts in the shared directory /usr/share/ART/imageio and not in user-specific folders.

I just reinstalled art-rawconverter-git, everything works fine this time. It’s solved but I don’t know what happened ?