Panels resize issue

my distro has 2.10.2 and I have issues to resize panel in vertical…
When I drag the limit panel it locks …I can move only for few pixels
If I stack more tools over in vertical I can’t view the last tools


Hi , I’m fused, now I’m trying Gimp 2.8 and the behaviour it’s the same :thinking:
I have another PC where I have a git compiled version and I seem to remember panels were all resizible at choose…

I’ll try


I have issues to resize panel in vertical…
When I drag the limit panel it locks

You need to increase the width of the docks to free up space for re-sizing the Main Gimp window.

Do you need all the tools? You can remove some of the lesser used ones from the toolbox to save space. All tools still available via menus.

This a demo in a Windows 10 VM but equally applicable to linux

Just a thought.

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