Persistent image in Inspector.

A detail :

  • File browser: I’m in a folder containing images. I select an image.
  • I open the inspector and I see the image. OK.

File browser: I change folder to a folder without image.
In the inspector the image is persistent.
It’s weird.
(ART Stable)
Un détail :

  • Navigateur de fichiers : Je suis dans un dossier contenant des images. Je sélectionne une image.
  • J’ouvre l’inspecteur et je vois l’image. ok.

Navigateur de fichiers : Je change de dossier pour un dossier sans image.
Dans l’inspecteur l’image est persistante.
Ca fait bizarre.
(ART Stable)

I have this enabled in Preferences:


…so the last “hovered-over” image is persistent in the Inspector preview until I actually hover over another one – whether in that folder or another. Simply changing to another folder doesn’t “auto-select” the first image by default (at least in this context). If the checkbox above is deselected the same basic logic holds true, it just requires an explicit click, not a hover.

Is that what you’re seeing?

It may be a subjective perception. I actually think it’s quite ok that the photo remains in the Inspector until you have explicitly chosen another one.

It’s more convenient to hover than to click. Thanks for this tip. The last image will be persistent.ok.
C’est plus pratique de survoler que de cliquer. Merci pour cette astuce. La dernière image sera persistante.ok.