Rapid Photo Downloader 0.9.27b1 is released

Install this beta the usual way. Be sure to run the install script like this:

python3 install.py --devel

Note: running any version of Rapid Photo Downloader older than this on Fedora 35 or any other distro with Python 3.10 will fail.


  • Use Python module Show in File Manager to display files in the operating system’s file manager. Linux distribution packagers: this is a required module.

  • New Python module requirement for Python versions earlier than 3.8: importlib_metadata.

  • All selected files will now be opened in the file manager when right-clicking on a photo or video in the main window and “Open in File Browser” is activated. Previously only the file being right-clicked on would be opened.

  • Fix bug #1946407: another compatibility fix for Python 3.10 that 0.9.27a3 did not full resolve.

  • Fix bug #33 SystemError: PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN macro must be defined for ‘#’ formats on Python 3.10. The solution is to install PyQt 5.15.6 or newer when using Python 3.10, which the install.py script now does.

  • Fix bug where downloading from a camera that was already in use would fail because generating an error message would cause an exception.

  • Disable viewing files still on a camera in the operating system’s file manager when on KDE.