Rapid Photo Downloader 0.9.4b1 is released


  • Workaround bug in iOS devices that create on-the-fly subfolders from which to download that vary each time the device is initialized. I have no idea what was in the Apple developers’ minds when they came up with that one.

  • Add progress bars and badge counts when running under Ubuntu 17.10’s Dash to Dock extension. It works great. As an Ubuntu user myself, I’m really glad to see this feature return!

  • Don’t crash when locale is not correctly set.

  • Updated Dutch, French and German translations.

Basically this would have been the 0.9.4 release, except for the fact that I don’t have an iOS device to test it on. So others will need to do that.

To install it, you can run the usual install script, but like this:

python3 install.py --devel

Or just run the upgrade when prompted from the program itself, assuming you have enabled checking for new development versions via the program preferences.