Rawtherapee blog page quite old in some places

In the Features page it says:
2013. Aug. 08. (Thursday)

On the Documentation page there are links to RT2.4, RT3.0 and RT4.0, which then link to rawpedia.

I think the page should either be updated regularly, which I understand is work intensive, or information that is old and misleading and needs constant updates should be removed completely. If I get to software’s page I prefer having little but correct information, than the instant feeling that this program is possibly old or dead or at least not updated anymore.

Just my feeling…


I tend to agree that stagnation often reflects poorly on a project, and possibly scares some folks away. :frowning:

On the same token, Rawtherapee.com is technically next on our list of sites to re-work. I was hoping to be able to start something this spring or early summer.